Monday, March 15, 2010

Another Try at Digital

Well, I tried another lesson with the digital scrapbooking CD. This time we started from a blank page instead of using a template so it was alittle more involved. The concepts are starting to make sense to me now but it is taking along time for me to remember all the little details involved in making a page. I really think I enjoy the actual physical actions of glueing and cutting and arranging to the digital versions. I am thinking maybe hybrid might be a good way to go and I have done abit of hybrid already because I have the Print Artist program and have done up journalling for my pages for along time now and in the beginning I made titles and printed out some graphics alot, before I started buying all the cute,matching stuff! Sooo, I think I will continue to learn because I like learning new things, but whether or not I will go digital remains to be seen. I am looking forward to learning more things on PSE8 in regards to photo manipulation though. There is a whole new world out there I think!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

I did it!!

Well, this took just about all day to do!! I broke down and bought Photoshop elements 8 yesterday out at Costco and today I spent pretty much the entire day, watching the extra CD on introducing scrapbooking with PS8. I followed along with the instructions, watching most of the stuff twice before it soaked into my poor, aching brain!! But I have now officially made my very first digital scrapbooking page!!! I did take a few breaks to throw some laundry in and take a run to the library but other than that, I have been at this pretty much all day today! I am not all that sure I like this enough to totally immerse myself in it but for a page every now and then, it could be an okay thing to do!

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Project

I have doing a different project lately. My reason? Monkeyface is getting her own "big girl bed" so I thought that I would do another one of my many hobbies and make her a quilt. I chose a simple one because I didn't want it to take too long or me to run out of steam before I got it done!! Sometimes I think I suffer from ADD because if something doesn't come together easily and quickly for me, I lose interest and start something else that looks like it might be more fun. The result?? I have a house full of unfinished projects!! Oh, I have lots of finished ones too but I do have quite afew unfinished ones as well. One of my New Year's resolutions, every year, is to finish up some of them!! And I usually do get a couple done before, yes, you guessed it, I lose my focus. Anyway, I digress. Here is the lovely Princess Quilt to go on the Princess's new bed. She has a lovely, freshly painted room with all the things in it that a little princess would need. The other grandma helped out with that too!! She has a little princess deacon's bench with baskets underneath for toys and a princess picture for on the wall!! Her mom bought her princess sheets for her bed too!! She had her first night in her bed on Saturday and apparently did very well. She stayed in bed all night!!

And then I went shopping last week to the LSS and
bought some new MME paper. I know, I know, I am supposed to be
using up my stash but this stuff was sooooo pretty, I couldn't resist! We babysat Monkeyface last week I think it was and Grandpa took her outside to play with her. She was soo cute in her little snowsuit and she just loved being in the snow. Grandpa made alittle hill for her to slide down and she just had so much fun with that! We really should get a toboggan and go onto a real hill with her, I think she would have a blast!! They built some snowmen too and made snow angels but those will be on other layouts!!