I took this photo with my macro lens at the end of June. My dd wanted a photo of our gd at 18 months. I think I took around 500 snaps and I got quite a few good ones but I think this is one of the best. I then "warmed" it up, added a glow and softened the edges abit. Oh yes and I used the little brush to take out afew red spots on her chin. I think it turned out pretty good. She is such a doll right now, trys to repeat everything you say to her and is starting to love playing with the girls old cabbage patch dolls, she kisses them and hugs them and lays them down, puts a blanket over them and tells them nighty night, pats them on the tummy and leaves!!! It is priceless!
And then, there is the weather, not nearly so endearing!! I am not really a beach person so I don't need sun for that but if I wanted clouds and rain, I would have moved to the west coast!!! I need some sun just for mental well-being!! and one day every 2 weeks is just not going to cut it for me!!
We had a family reunion this past weekend and would really have like some nice weather for it. Sunday was nice but we were all busy packing up and getting home during it! We had a good time anyway and it was great seeing all the nieces and nephews and their little ones. My how times have changed, we used to be the ones with little kids and the older aunts and uncles sat around reminiscing and now we ARE the older aunts and uncles!!! There are very few of the original aunts and uncles left and the ones that are,don't travel very far away from their homes these days. (This reunion was on my husband's side). On my side it is much the same, I think there are only 2 uncles and 1 aunt still alive and they are quite elderly.
Nothing else too much exciting has been going on around here. I haven't been scrapping much. I am going to try to get at some older photos this week and see if I can do something with them. We will see how that goes!!
Great photo, wonderful detail in her face. Isn't a macro just perfect for portraits? Glad you are enjoying your lenses. How is the foot healing up?
The macro is great for portraits, something I never would have tried if the guy at Don's Photo hadn't told me to. As for the foot, it's not doing as well as I would like it to
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