Sunday, January 10, 2010

Some new layouts

I don't really make resolutions for the New Year because that just gets me into trouble because I can't maintain them past the first week, but I did have a talk with myself and I told myself that I really cannot buy anymore scrapbooking stuff until I use up some of my existing stash. so I did do a few layouts during the christmas week and am now posting them here.
The layout of us under the falls is my second attempt at making a collage with multiple photos and then printing it out as an 8x10 to scrap. I kind of like how it turned out as it was easier than trying to fit multiple photos on a page. And it gets all the photos that I wanted printed onto 1 page instead of 2 or 3!!
I do windows layout was inspired by a sketch from the Scrapdango's site, they do kits and have a forum that I hang out on sometimes.

Helping my grandpa layout was inspired by a december sketch on pagemaps. I am liking how it turned out as well

The layout of monkeyface helping with the dishwasher was the first attempt at putting together a collage and printing it. She was so funny that night, she looked so serious as she punched the buttons on the dishwasher and then turned and said to me "ta-da" which in her lingo means there I's done and it's ready to go!


Julie Cortens said...

I made the same resolution and have been keeping it but the new Basic Grey Origins keeps calling me.....
Love the pages!

April D said...

great layouts. I love the I help you one. Congrats on the win as well.