Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Only in Saskatchewan!

I think it was just last week that we were at -35 C with a -45C windchill and now today, as well as the past couple of days it is +1 or 2 with snow melting everywhere, mud splashing on my van and everything looking like spring is just around the corner. Of course, all of us older Saskatchewanites know that this is just a teaser. There will be more snow and cold weather, guaranteed. It's like taxes, it will happen. However, we will enjoy it while we have it!! I won't enjoy the extremely filthy van I am driving but I guess it comes with the territory! I ran out of windshield washer fluid the other day. Dry as a bone! Barely made it to Canadian Tire to get some more! The shelves were looking pretty empty so guess there were alot of people in the same boat! I stocked up with a few bottles of it, just to be sure. We have more than 1 vehicle so I figured I should be prepared.

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