Friday, March 13, 2009

Keeping busy

So, you may be asking what I have been doing to keep myself busy while on my enforced rest. I promised myself that I would finish up some of my unfinished projects that are lying around the house. This steppingstone was one of them. I had it basecoated for a longtime and I had promised my daughter that she could have it but I just never seemed to get around to doing it for her. Well, it's done and she is thrilled. I have alot more projects to get done too. I made a list so that I would have motivation to cross stuff off and see my progress. Hope that works!!

1 comment:

Julie Cortens said... are kind of making me wish I had a cast on my leg...or something that compelled me to sit in my craft room every day with just a few steps to the kitchen now and then.....LOL