This cute little one is Jennifer, my daughter!!!! I am going to get their (my daughters) albums done yet!!! I realize that I am pretty random with the pages but I am finding it hard to think of things to do so I have resorted to checking out the sketch sites to help me. Leica has become a member of the design team at Just Cr8 so I have been on their site quite abit. They have lots of pages in their gallery and they have tutorials and sketches to try, it's a good site. They were at the Crop Sask. on the weekend, a whole group of them doing PR work for their group. They are the ones that talked to Rambling Dave on C95 last week and again on Monday. There is an entire discussion forum on what went on with that!!! Suffice to say, Rambling Dave has admitted that scrapbookers are not just glorifed sticker collectors!! They are apparently Certified Nutbar Hobbyists!!!
This page was alittle more work for me. It is a page of my niece's wedding that we attended this past summer. I have a whole bunch of family and wedding photos to do but this one was sent to us as the thankyou card for the wedding gift. So I just turned it into a page before I lost it in the pile!!!
This double page layout was fairly quick. I was browsing a site that Leica had mentioned on her blog called Glitz, and they have a bunch of tutorials on doing quick pages on their website. I looked at a few of them and one was called a 4 cut page. You basically take 2 sheets of patterned paper and do 4 cuts on both of them, arrange the pieces on 2 pieces of cardstock and then add your photos and embellishments. These 2 pages were done in record time for me!!
So, those are all the pages that I got done this weekend. I was hoping to get more done but I had to put in some shopping and socializing time as well!!! And, I did take those 2 classes so that took a few hours out of the day, and then there was eating time as well. Leica's mom, Gwen did a great job with the lunch and all the snacks that were provided. all in all, a great weekend!
OOps, just realized that I didn't crop these photos of the pages, sorry. Also, my posts got mixed up alittle and this one should be after the other one, again ,sorry. But all the pages are here!!!
It's nice to see you at Just Cre8, Cheryl!
Hope you can make it so we can scrap in person again. :)
Cheryl, thanks for letting me know where to find those adorable images.
Cheryl, your pages are beautiful..
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